Dear Media, Stop Comparing Bitcoin to Tulip Mania

On Friday, December 6, french economists Dominique Seux and Thomas Porcher on France Inter once again made the dubious comparison between Bitcoin and the Tulip Mania of the 17th century. To make matters worse, they incorrectly referred to 22 million bitcoins instead of the actual 21 million, a glaring error that highlights their lack of … Read more

DYOR Companion is available on Google Play Store

Great news! DYOR Companion app for AndroidTM is available on Google Play Store! What is DYOR Companion? Dyor Companion is an extension of the cryptocurrency scanner, designed to simplify receiving and reviewing alert results you have set up on the website. Get notified via push notifications whenever new results arrive, review them and access … Read more

Streamlined Alert Preferences: A Smarter Way to Customize Your Strategies and Cointracker! keeps improving, and this time, it’s the preferences for your Strategies and Cointracker alerts that have been reworked. The most noticeable change is the visual design. The old layout needed a refresh: too many stacked blocks, too much empty space, and overly bright colors with the green and red “toggle buttons.” The new version … Read more Trendscanner Explained: A Simple Guide

I am often asked how to read the trendscanner on And I understand that without an explanation, it might not be entirely intuitive. You’ll see, though, that it’s actually quite simple—once it’s explained. Cryptocurrencies are scanned across different timeframes: 15m, 1h, 4h, 1d, and 3d (when available). Each timeframe is analyzed to determine the … Read more

A new addition: DYOR Companion app!

Today, I’m introducing the DYOR Companion app! DYOR Companion is a new way to receive and view your Strategy Alerts and Cointracker results. DYOR Companion offers an alternative to Telegram for receiving your alert results. The setup is simpler, as you only need to go to and enter your credentials to start receiving … Read more

What’s New at Major Updates and Exciting Features!

Hi! It’s Romain, developer of! Since the beginning of November, has been evolving. My aim is to incorporate a wealth of feedback and suggestions received since the last major update in April. Numerous enhancements have been made since April, and a new, even more significant wave of updates began this November, designed to … Read more

Welcome to the Blog

I am thrilled to announce the launch of the blog, a space dedicated to helping cryptocurrency enthusiasts, traders, and investors navigate the ever-evolving world of digital assets. Whether you’re just starting in crypto or are an experienced trader, the blog will provide you with valuable content to enhance your understanding and trading skills. From … Read more